Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Our Citizen’s Debate

Camille, Coline, Lyvan, Priscille

On May 9th took place our Citizen’s Debate at the IADT. It was organized by Massillon and there were delegations from lycées in Cusset and Courpière.

We went there as budding journalists to gather the opinions of the pupils regarding our new Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

Sitting around a table, we put questions to the participants, aged 16 to 22. Here is a summary of their views:
  • The merger of the two regions has not yet had an obvious impact on everyday life.
  • Young people's opinions are not sufficiently taken into account.
  • The right to vote at 16 would probably not stimulate young people's interest in politics much (young people still lack maturity), but a 'Youth Council' in each municipality would be a good way to learn to become a more engaged citizen.
  • For lack of information, young people don’t know the name of an elected official from their Department or the Region (apart from Mr. Wauquiez!)
  • In some families, politics is a taboo subject.
  • In Civics classes, there should be more discussion around politics and citizen’s engagement.

The morning lecture given by Professor Rieutort of the IADT on the challenges facing the new Region was very useful, giving us plenty of facts on regions throughout Europe. In the early afternoon, there was a round table discussion with Mr. BRENAS, Regional Councilor, Mr BARNIER, Member of the Comity of the Regions of the EU, Mr LALOY, Mayor of Cusset, Mr DEVES, Professor of Public Law, and Mr GACHON, Director of the local satirical magazine La Galipote. This useful exchange, punctuated by questions from the high school pupils, dealt with the consequences of the fusion of the regions for Auvergne, as well as the role that young people can play in the new Region.

Throughout the day, participants were able to visit association stands: "OZons" (organization of an exchange with Australia), the Young Europeans, LieU'topie, Massillon UNESCO Club (quiz on the Region), etc. A political cartoon workshop run by M. DHUMES, cartoonist for La Galipote, revealed the talents and humor of the budding cartoonists who took part.

To end the day (which was broadcast live on Web TV), there was a very lively debate between the high school pupils on the question: "AURA, a Region with a bright future?"

This modest experience as press journalists will have taught us how to properly formulate our questions. It comes after our adventure creating a short programme for Radio Campus. The funniest moment of the day was when we were interviewed by a journalist from France Bleu Pays d'Auvergne; she was a real professional!

Interviewing some of the VIPs!


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